Health Testing
According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, the minimum health requirements for a CHIC number is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), MDR1 gene mutation, and Dermatomyositis (DMS). However, we require that for our breeding dogs and the current recommendations according to the Collie Health Foundation.
All Breeding Dogs through Iuvo Kennels include:
All Collie Recommended Tests for the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
Dermatomyositis (DMS)
MDR1 Gene Mutation
Additional Collie Recommended Tests through Collie Health Foundation, Collie Club of America, and our Personal Health Goals
- Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA)
OFA and/or PennHip Hip Results
OFA Elbows
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
Cyclic Neutropenia
Color Testing
Merle Testing
- Temperament Testing
- Done by an OUTSIDE trainer not affiliated with our kennel or program
If any dog has either a failing test or a result that we unapprove of, those dogs will be removed from the breeding program and found a new forever home, temperament depending.
Socialization Protocol
We pride ourselves in our socialization protocol. We treat all puppies as if they are going to service dog homes so they are prepared just in case that is their destiny. We use a mix of materials from board-certified veterinary behaviorists and Puppy Culture©.
What is the socialization protocols?
Early Neurological Stimulation
Safe Handling Practices
Temperament Testing
Habituation Habits
Surface Variations
Novel Items
Eating from Various Bowls and Containers
Socialization to
Safe Dogs
Moving Objects
Riding in Vehicles
Getting Used to the "Unexpected"
Handling Practices
Daily Handling
Basic Husbandry
Home Medical Care
Veterinary Care and Procedures
Clothing, Gear, and Materials
Activities for their Fur-Ever Homes
Potty Training
Crate Training
Resource Guarding Prevention
Separation Anxiety Prevention
Leash and Collar Introductions
Clicker Introductions


Conformation is another name for "show dogs". They walk around a ring and are judged against their breed standard, not each other. Conformation shows just how well the dog's structure and outside appearances matches their breed standard.
Lure Coursing
We allow our dogs to have fun with FastCat and Lure Coursing to get some of their natural instincts out to run.
Temperament and Fitness Testing
We test all of our dogs against the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test, going as far as Canine Good Citizen Advanced and Urban. We also do AKC Temperament Testing (ATT) when available in our area. Unfortunately, they do not come around too often but we get it done when they come to the Iuvo Kennel area. We like to see how far we can get with our dogs in trick dog titles. Iuvo Kennel Collies also does Fit Dog titles through the AKC. We also do fitness classes with our dogs to strengthen their bodies!
American Working Collie Association Titles
"The American Working Collie Association (AWCA) is dedicated to promoting the working ability of the Collie" -AWCA. We work through the Versatility titles that recognizes the working versatility of a Collie.

Service and Therapy Dogs
Therapy Dogs
Therapy Dogs are dogs that go with their handlers to various locations in various social settings such as schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and churches that volunteer to provide comfort to people other than their owners. All of our dogs have long lines of Therapy work. It could be said that it's "The Family Business". They have worked primarily in schools in reading and generalized comfort ability. However, we have also gone into nursing homes, hospitals and assisted living facilities.
Service Dogs
Although Collies are apart of the "Fab 4" for service dogs, we have to remember that they are slower to mature and generally take 2-3 years to mature alongside a lot of training. We have had three generations (so far) of active service dogs, including our foundation dogs. All of our puppies, regardless of home are socialized and trained as if they are going to a service dog home. Collies can struggle with psychiatric tasks. With that being said, we will only sell to psychiatric service homes with a trainer on board that understands Collies and their training needs. We highly recommend using a professional and certified trainer regardless of the type of service dog you need.
If needed, we do virtual training. We also do in person training for those close to the Central Indiana area.

Blood Donors
Through the emergency and specialty hospital in our area, our spayed and neutered dogs are blood donors. This is a voluntary program that allows our dogs to give blood and give back to the hospitals in need. If you are interested in blood donation programs, let us know and we will look up canine blood donation hospitals near you.
As a gentle reminder, make sure your specialty hospital knows of your dog's MDR1 status prior to donating as the dogs due need to be sedated.
TYPICAL Requirements for blood donation:
Up to Date on Vaccinations
Sometimes Influenza
Annual Bloodwork
Up to Date on Heartworm test
Monthly Heartworm medications
Appropriate size and weight
Ages 1-8 years old